Many thanks to Monica Lerner for her appreciation of our wines, especially Atis and Jassarte. It is corious that this good American journalist always writes interesting comments for us, between the astonishment and that sympathy that is attributed to people what you consider a bit crazy 😊.
Last year she wrote that we are a very creative winery. This year she writes: “there is a bit of mad science here, but that’s what makes them so much fun”.
May be she thinks we are a bit crazy to make counter-current choices in the world of wine which often prizes the homologation?
So, crazy or brave that we are, we consired her comments as a enormous compliment. We hope to have her as our guest as soon as possible, to have even more fun! (and to tell her about the experimental research and the rediscovery of the ancient Italian traditions behind these choices of ours)
Anyway, thank you very much, Mrs. Lerner, we really appreciate that you have tasted and reviewed our wines.