A rich biodiversity of grape varieties

We have wanted to reflect in our vineyards the history of our territory, with a very rich biodiversity of varieties and rootstocks, while continuing the innovative work that has always characterised our approach to winemaking.

Documents from the 19th century attest to the presence in our vineyards of Vermentino, Trebbiano Toscano, Canaiolo Bianco and Nero, Malvasia Bianca and Nera, Sangiovese, Alicante and others. At the end of the 19th century the presence of Cabernet Sauvignon is also reported, while in the first half of the 20th century Merlot is documented.

We have maintained this tradition in our vineyards, with the presence of numerous local varieties, in addition to the main Sangiovese and Vermentino. There are also varieties that reflect the more contemporary evolution of Bolgheri, represented above all by Cabernet Sauvignon, which has formed a perfect partnership with our territory. In addition, there are other interesting varieties for a Mediterranean terroir such as Syrah, Cabernet Franc, Rebo and Petit Verdot, amongst others.

Some vineyards comprise only one or a few varieties, in others we renew that most ancient Mediterranean tradition of the field-blend. For millennia, from its very origins until not so long ago, wine was born from the expression of a single vineyard that gathered different varieties, the result of choice (as in our case) or simple family stratification. An example is our Campo Bianco vineyard (with five white varieties). Another is the Campo Giardino vineyard (a collection of around 30 dark berry varieties, including Tuscan and varieties from other Mediterranean areas). From these single vineyards come absolutely unique wines.