The Tuscan FIVI was born just recently.

FIVI is the acronym of Italian Federation of Independent Winegrowers, association to which we adhere for several years.

This birth comes from the necessity arose between some Tuscan partners, to have the ability to address more local issues: in fact there are several aspects of the wine world that have a regional basis, and that a national association can not (of course) be able to follow . The boost also came from the desire for a more direct comparison with their “neighbors”. The exchange of ideas, proposals and experiences that take place more easily and quickly in the small. Then the local these ideas may be bringing the national association (while remaining the fact that each member may still represent himself independently at the FIVI “mother”).

To emphasize the absolute adherence to the association originally, it was decided that only who is already a member of the National FIVI can enroll in the Tuscan , following the same admission rules and objectives. Of course, the converse is not true.

Tuscany is still the first region to organize themselves in this way and certainly (we hope) will be the forerunner for other regions. Meanwhile, this project has yet to begin and to grow: we hope it’s a positive experience as the original association.

All this comes at a very important time for FIVI that the last period has grown so dizzying in their own ranks.

It could not be otherwise: a large part of the wine in Italy is produced by independent winegrowers (meaning small to medium sized companies who take care personally the production, from the vineyard to the finished bottle). Despite this so far it was a category voiceless, with wine policy dominated by large groups and cooperatives. FIVI was born as the voice of winegrowers and has already achieved some important goals (although the road is still long and winding).

It is important not underestimate FIVI and what has managed to do so far. And that built up to now must be maintained because nothing is taken for granted and the achievements can be dissolved without the commitment of all.

FIVI has managed to hold together so many different souls, all united around the figure of the independent winegrower, without placing stakes on production philosophy that everyone has decided to follow. This is not trivial. The big risk (it is common in Italy) it is to close each in their own small clan, maybe useful on the promotional plan or another but little influence on the political one. Without unity we would also voiceless (where it counts).

We all winegrowers are aiming for a production of excellence, made in respect of the Earth and of our customers. However there may be different ways to try to reach the goal. We all believe deeply in what we chose but it is also important to try to keep an open mind, with no narrow-mindednesse in intransigent positions towards different choices, made with honesty and pointing in the same direction.

For this we sincerely thank the first who believed in and built the FIVI with these principles. Thanks to those we know and respect on person, as Walter Massa and Mario Pojer, and all the others who have shown great commitment and self-sacrifice such as the current president Matilde Poggi and other operating members.