We have started the procedure for the certification for sustainable quality of our wines with the Italian national mark SQNPI (Sistema di Qualità Nazionale di Produzione Integrata, “National Quality System of Integrated Production”), recognized by the European Community (Reg. Ce 1974/2006), from the 2022 production.
The certification SQNPI attests that we respect the environment, given our low environmental impact integrated pest management, supplemented by the additional commitments of the single sustainable certification standard for the wine production. Valoritalia is the independent certification company responsible for the analysis of the vineyards and the wines and in charge to release the SQNPI sustainable quality certificate.
We inform that the SQNPI Observatory complaints notification system is active (OsservatorioSQNPI@politicheagricole.it), to which every citizen can send reports for any non-conformities charged to operators operating in the quality regime, which will be examined by a Technical Group of Quality commissioned by MIPAAF (Italian Ministry for Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies).