In winter a project was presented us, aimed at creating a tourism brand, focused on enhancing the culture of the territory. Those who know us (or know Guado al Melo) certainly know that it seemed made for us!

We compiled the membership form and now we have the news that we have been selected to be part of the pilot project!

Here is a summary of what it is:


Interreg IT FR marittimo mappa Nuts 3WHERE. The project is centered on a strip of Mediterranean Europe, joined by similar natural environments and cultural continuity: the Italian coastal strip of Tuscany, Liguria and Sardinia, the French Mediterranean coast and Corsica.

WHAT. The project aims to give birth to a network of small local businesses, accumulated by deep territorial and cultural roots. The idea is to present a particular path to „conscious travelers“, ie people looking for non-trivial tourist experiences, eager to meet local realities capable of deepening the narration of their territories, savoring real and unique experiences. The network integrates places of memory and nature (such as museums, cities of art, parks) but also places of the human present, represented by itineraries of taste, typical and artisanal productions.

SUSTAINABILITY. The realities that become part of the project must respond to the fundamental principles of cultural, environmental and social sustainability.

THE PROJECT. For now we are still at the beginning. Among the many candidates, 80 (of the territories indicated) were selected , chosen for their particular correspondence to the spirit and purpose of the project. These pilot companies, including us, will now be accompanied in a certification process and (if necessary) adaptation to all the required standards. After that the project can be opened to other realities and, at the same time, promoted to the public.


The project is called S.MAR.T.I.C., acronym of «Sviluppo Marchio Territoriale Identità Culturale», „Development of Territorial Cultural Identity Brand“. It is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund from the INTERREG Italy-France Maritime Program 2014-2020.

The reference for the territory of Livorno is the cooperative „Itinera Progetti e Ricerche“ +39 0586 894563